Tuesday, September 7, 2010

5 Love Languages

5 love languages by Gary Chapman, to build better relationships with our family and friends! The Five Love Languages..everyone has their own love language..you..me..our daddy..mummy..brother..sister..friend..or your boyfriend..girlfriend..etc..Hence by identifying their love language, you can effectively meet their need for love by responding to their love language!
There are 5 types of love languages..

Words of Affirmation..some ppl feel love and appreciated when they receive praises and words of affection..their love tank is fill whenever they receive affirming words that speak deeply..

2) Physical Touch..there is undeniable emotional power in touching those we love..physical touch conveys the message of 'i love you','i am with you','i care about you'..the language of physical touch spoken at the right time in the right place and manner speaks deeply to some people whose love language is physical touch..

Quality Time..the central point of quality time is togetherness..1 of it is through quality conversation..and this is different from words of affirmation that focuses on what we are saying while quality conversation focuses on what are we hearing..this love language is harder to speak than the first two and it is essential to make time for focused attention to those whose love language is of quality time..

Acts of Service..this particular love language is a powerful expression of emotional love..true greatness is expressed in serving..we model unconditional love when we do things for our loved ones..it can be a simple act of driving your sis to school etc..

Gifts..gifts are visible, tangible evidence of love..the Greek word of gift is charis which means grace or undeserved gift..so what makes a gift a gift? Keep in mind that the purpose of gift giving is not simply to get an object from one hand to another; but it should convey the message of love..in many ways, this love language is the most difficult if all..however, if it is given genuinely; it becomes a treasured gift that represents love in the heart of your loved ones for years to come..

In a nutshell, everyone has a primary love language to be discovered over time..if a person's love tank is filled with his/her primary love language over time, then the other love languages will complement it to become a meaningful relationship with your loved ones..since love is our most basic emotional need, when that need is met by another person..the emotional climate of relationships with family and friends can be greatly enhanced by speaking each other's primary love language!

Let's take time and learn to speak each other's primary love language today and make way for our love tank to be filled with faith, hope and love once again!

Shared from Michi.

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