Saturday, October 9, 2010

Nine Lessons Learned about Creativity at Google

HKUST really fully utilized their email system. They used to notify, practically everything through email which I feel it was really cool!

Well, I wanted to keep this for my future reference easier, then I decided to placed in this blog, which was to serve to keep me ‘on line’ or ‘in track’ from the beginning of the creation of the blog.

This e-seminar series were sent to all students in UST, not sure how many of the students actually watch it. I feel this video is worth sharing.

The title of the seminar was Nine Lessons Learned about Creativity at Google by Marissa Mayer which is Vice President of Search Products and User Experience at Google. It was presented at 17th May 2006 around 4 years ago, but the video was worth sharing.

“How did Google start without knowing how it can make money? What cultivates creativity & innovation in Google? How is creativity important to the success of the corporation? Do creative ideas equal instant perfection?

Let us hear from Marissa Mayer, VP of Search Products and User Experience at Google, on the top nine lessons learned about fostering creative ideas and innovation based on her experience developing highly successful Web applications.”

Below is the link to the 9 videos.

1.       Ideas come from everywhere.
2.       Give ideas credit, not credit for ideas.
3.       Work with smart people.
4.       License to pursue dreams.
5.       Learning from mistakes.
6.       Data is apolitical.
7.       Creativity loves constraint.
8.       Bank users, not money.
9.       Don’t kill project, morph them.
10.   Surviving the bubble.

Speaker Biography

Marissa leads the product management efforts on Google's search products- web search, images, groups, news, Froogle, the Google Toolbar, Google Desktop, Google Labs, and more. She joined Google in 1999 as Google's first female engineer and led the user interface and webserver teams at that time. Her efforts have included designing and developing Google's search interface, internationalizing the site to more than 100 languages, defining Google News, Gmail, and Orkut, and launching more than 100 features and products on Several patents have been filed on her work in artificial intelligence and interface design. In her spare time, Marissa also organizes Google Movies- outings a few times a year to see the latest blockbusters- for 6,000+ people (employees plus family members and friends).

Concurrently with her full-time work at Google, Marissa has taught introductory computer programming classes at Stanford to over 3,000 students. Stanford has recognized her with the Centennial Teaching Award and the Forsythe Award for her outstanding contribution to undergraduate education.

Prior to joining Google, Marissa worked at the UBS research lab (Ubilab) in Zurich, Switzerland and at SRI International in Menlo Park, California.

Graduating with honors, Marissa received her BS in Symbolic Systems and her MS in Computer Science from Stanford University. For both degrees, she specialized in artificial intelligence.

Courtesy of Google, Bart Nagel
Taken from Stanford University’s Entrepreneurship Corner

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