Friday, November 19, 2010

Soft Matter Seminar

Due to curiosity, I attended this seminar on Micro-nanoscale Interfacial Phenomena in Soft Matter and Complex Fluids by Prof Chia Fu Chou from Taiwan.

This particular talk is about cases of using micro-nanofluidic interfaces for particle transport and for molecular and cellular analysis:

  1. DNA/protein capture and pre-concentration using nanoscale molecular traps
  2. Enhanced transport and sensing kinetics using nanoslits
  3. Confinement induced entropic recoiling of single DNA molecules
  4. Perspectives of cell-cell interactions and cancer cell dynamics at micro-nanofluidic interfaces.
In layman terms, they were trying to use the hole where the size is in nanometer, to straighten DNA/protein which exits in a bundle of coils in nature. This will enable them to identify the characteristic of DNA effectively. They also discuss what are the possible things that may be applied by having holes in nano scales such as channels to acts as trap!!

In conclusion, I am glad I am in Civil Engineering!haha

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