Thursday, September 2, 2010


Its have been a week time at HK. Haha, when I step in HK, I was always observing the difference of HK and Malaysia.

When I come to HK for the first time, the impression was, another Singapore like country, thought that Malaysia able to make it to this stage in around 10-20 years assumed that no economic downturn and is a 'Cow' like economy.

After a week in HK, experience HK culture, understand their education system, emphasize on human development...*Forgive my shortsightedness* Malaysia wont be able to make it, it is impossible if our education and mindset of the people still bound by local issues.

In HK, they have already walk pass their mindset barrier, they are competing with the world!!! Their teaching materials are updated from time to time to suit current development. Praying that a Malaysian will stand up and against the odds to bring evolution to Malaysia. Government dealing with Name Wee case was a joke, reflected its incompetency and immaturity of those politicians. *my opinion*

Fuh...anyway, there are some funny jokes I learnt.

問:女朋友和老婆有何差別?答:差 15公斤。

問:男朋友和老公有何差別?答:差 45分鐘。


And some inspiration sentences.

成熟的人不問過去;聰明的人不問現在;豁達的人 不問未來。


人們常犯最大的錯誤,是對陌生人太客氣,而對親密的人太苛刻,把這個壞習慣改過 來,天下太平。



一個人 的價值,不體現在與別人相同的東西上,而體現在與別人不同的東西上。




有些事情,不談是個結,談開 了是個疤。



I inspired by the last three sentence the most.

有些事情,不談是個結,談開 了是個疤。
Without I realized, I am already in that kind of situation. Even though I know the outcome will be, but I still have the urged to clarify things. A contradicting mindset is, 1) to avoid any confusion and misunderstanding, 2) hoping there are better ending of it.

This sentence illustrated the situation we faced in life. As there will be lots of insignificant task for us to accomplish, and yet we do it half heartedly as it is insignificant. Without we realizing it, all these 
insignificant things will propel us in to a greater height.

We as human often fall in this situation, as we wanted something so desperately, we would give our best to have it, or even use any means to have it, including becoming someone you wont even recognize. In the end, everything have it seasons and timing. It is just waiting inside the house waiting for the raining to be over.

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