Monday, May 24, 2010

Hong Kong Study Tour Day 3

At Day 3, we went to Hong Kong Geotechnical Office (HKGO). In the morning session, we went to Public Work Civil Laboratory (PWCL) for lab visitation. 

In the afternoon, we have some speeches regarding on the history of geotechnical issues in Hong Kong and development of HKGO. 

They surely went through hardship and many people have died for their boost in development. That may be the reason why they so concern about the safety on site. Contractors have to get approval on several matters before they can proceed on their work. We have our dinner near Tsim Sha Tsui and went to Victoria Harbour and Avenue of Star. This 2 places just a walking distance apart. There will be Symphony of Light every night (8pm if not mistaken) near Victoria Harbour. There will be a platform for audience purposes and it is free of charge.

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